Take time to do the following:

Plan ahead. Discuss your goals. Anticipate together.

When you share your life with somebody, there are many things that require you to think ahead. You need to schedule fun activities together, make a budget, anticipate potential difficulties, and decide where to go on vacation. Make sure you set aside time every month for planning these things. You and your spouse have family, personal, and financial goals that you should discuss with each other. It’s worthwhile to talk about your goals once or twice a year to make sure that you are doing things today to help you reach your goals. Talking with each other about your goals can help you clarify what they are. There are so many things that you and your spouse have to look forward to, from celebrating your anniversary to enjoying each other’s company during the leisure of your retirement. If you have children, you can also look forward to getting pleasure from their accomplishments. Talk about the events and experiences that you are looking forward to with your spouse. Remember that anticipation is half the fun!

Counting Your Blessings

Your marriage has the potential to be the absolutely best part of your life. If you have begun to implement the ideas from this book, you probably feel closer to your spouse already! Just remember to always communicate with your spouse, be real partners in life, put time and energy into your relationship, be flexible, and commit one hundred percent to your marriage. Being married is truly a wonderful blessing. You have memories to enjoy and help you through difficult times. You have the chance to enjoy your relationship every day. And you also have the chance to look forward to fun things in the future. Always remember to count your blessings and make the effort to maintain a stable, healthy relationship. Then you will always be able to look over at your spouse and say, “I am the luckiest person in the world to have you in my life!”