Given the fact that time together for so many households starts at around 6 or 7 o’clock or even later in the evening on a school night, it can be tough to set an early bedtime. And since experts say school-age children roughly need about 9 to 11 hours of sleep—which means they need to go to bed around 8 or 9 o’clock, depending on what time they need to get up—that doesn’t leave much time for anything besides dinner, homework and reading one short book chapter together. But it can be particularly important for grade-schoolers to get enough shut-eye. How much a child sleeps can have a big impact on her growth and development. Research has shown that lack of sleep can affect a child’s temperament, behavior, alertness, and ability to learn. Children who do not get enough sleep have been shown to perform more poorly on memory and attention tests. An April 2009 study found that sleep problems in the grade-school years were linked to poor scores on mental tests when the children reached adolescence. So what can you do to make sure your child sleeps enough to function at his best?

Tips to Help Kids Develop Better Sleep Habits

Try these tips to help your child develop good sleep habits and sleep well every night. Stick to a routine. A good bedtime routine is essential when it comes to instilling good sleep habits in kids. A bath, pajamas, brushing teeth and a few pages from a book—whatever your nighttime ritual is, be sure to stick to it consistently so that your child knows what to expect and can easily move through every routine efficiently each night. Limit electronic stimulants. Don’t let your child use the computer, check her phone, or watch TV at least an hour before bedtime. These electronic screen activities can be stimulating and can interfere with falling and staying asleep. Keep her room comfortable for sleeping. Make sure your child’s room isn’t too hot, too stuffy, or too bright. (If your child is afraid of the dark, choose a night light that will keep her room as dim as possible.) Bedrooms (and beds) that are quiet, dark and cool are optimal for a good night’s rest. Set aside extra time for catching up. If your grade-schooler has younger or older siblings, be sure you give each child individual time with each parent. (To save time, you can switch off with your partner and alternate dad and mom time each night.) Curb sneaky caffeine. You wouldn’t let your grade-schooler down a cup of coffee before bed. But caffeine can also lurk in foods and drinks you may not suspect, such as chocolate, bottled tea, and even some non-cola sodas. Watch for foods that contain caffeine and if your child asks for dessert, stick to healthy fruit when it’s close to bedtime. Watch your child instead of the clock. How much your child needs to sleep can vary depending on his individual needs. Some kids may do just fine on 8 hours of sleep while others need a solid 10 or more. Look for signs of sleep deprivation such as hyperactivity, crankiness, and memory or concentration problems. If you see these signs, get your child to bed early, take steps to banish fights over bedtime, and be consistent about bedtime routines every night.